Earlier this month, the UK government published a new policy paper and announced the changes in key departments to set a vision to build a better future for UK citizens.


Based on the new reform mission, The Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology will focus on positioning the UK at the forefront of global scientific and technological advancement. It will build on the UK’s strong foundations of world-class research, a thriving technology scene, and global networks of collaboration to create a thread from outstanding basic science to innovations that change lives and sustain economic growth. It will direct record levels of R&D, and deliver talent programmes, physical and digital infrastructure, and regulation to support the economy, security, public services, and wider government priorities.


Legislative and Regulatory Reforms


One of the priority outcomes of this policy was the delivery of key legislative and regulatory reforms to drive competition, promote innovation and contribute to economic growth. Regulatory organisations play a vital role in creating an integrated and reliable environment for citizens as government regulations ensure a safe, fair economy and sustainable development.

Regulatory organisations need to ensure their operations are agile and responsive to enable policy change and maintain efficiency and keep up with the growing demand for digitised services, for both businesses and citizens.


CloudSource Approach


It starts with an I.D.E.A.

At CloudSource we apply Microsoft Catalyst Programme principles based on the I.D.E.A framework.

The CloudSource Blueprint for digitising regulatory services brings Microsoft Cloud technology innovations to the design thinking forums where we re-imagine your future regulatory, compliant, and transparency business operations throughout the Digital Regulator Catalyst Programme.

With Microsoft’s best-in-class Cloud Technology, CloudSource’s deep-seated digital transformation expertise, coupled with public sector organisation thought leadership, we can build digital regulatory organisations that will deliver future-proofed, agile business services.

If you are a UK Regulatory organisation, reach out to us to discuss how we can help with your transformation journey.


Email:ozlem.kilavuz@cloudsource.uk.com  Teams: +44 (0)1156 782 043

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